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What is group therapy?

Group therapy are sessions in a group of between 5 and 10 people, led by one or two therapists, who meet regularly to treat a common problem. The therapist is the one who guides the group and the members play the role of co-therapists. Group therapy takes advantage of group dynamics to help participants mobilize some of the issues that are most difficult to bring up in individual therapy.

In group therapy, it is important to establish some set rules and goals before you start. Groups can be either open (admitting new members) or closed (where mutual commitment of members is very important).

It is useful for people who are in individual therapy to complement the treatment.

However, before joining the group, a prior assessment is necessary to decide if group therapy is an appropriate option. Moreover, individual therapy at our clinic, apart from group therapy, is a requirement.

Group therapy can help mobilize treatment when there is a stagnation in the process or complement the individual treatment with a different kind of dynamic.

Interested? Fill out the form to indicate your preferences and we will inform you as soon as we open a suitable group.

MBT groups

How do we work?

The group therapy at the Art Clinic is carried out according to the concepts of Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT). The capacity to mentalize is the ability to see oneself from the outside and others from the inside. In other words, it is a tool for being in relationships that generates fewer difficulties and helps to depend on others healthily. Most problems or symptoms, and therefore the suffering, stem from relationships. Furthermore, one can find relief through healthy, constructive and fulfilling relationships. Understanding the other’s intentions and one’s own without assuming that one is right, curiously exploring the other’s psychic world, and mental and relational flexibility are the traits and benefits of the ability to mentalize.

Therapeutic groups bring people together with a common theme, however, regardless of the theme of the group, the objective is to work on the ability to mentalize. Since the topics that generate strong emotions are the ones that make us lose our mentalizing ability and mental flexibility, it is exactly there where we want to intervene with MBT. 

The group therapy is based on the concepts of the Mentalization Based Therapy.


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  • You will take a free Psychoeducation Course on the groups to understand the process and conditions and thus take care of all participants.

  • After the course and before starting, you will do a pre-treatment clinical orientation session with the group therapist to assess your participation in the group and clarify any doubts about the psychoeducation course.

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  • Frequency: once or twice a month
  • Duration 90 minutes if the group is small (5-6 persons) or 120 minutes if the group is large (7-10 persons).
  • Language English/Spanish/Polish
  • Price 35€ per person
  • Group sessions cannot be canceled and are non-refundable. If you decide to resign, please inform us 7 days before the next group meeting.
  • Want to sign up? Contact us to receive more information.

What groups do we have now?

  • Open groups

    We currently have 2 open groups running:

    • Self-esteem group – in Spanish, every second Thursday of the month

    Timetable: 18.15-19.45

    • Me and My Eating Group to work on the relationship between eating and the body in English, every second and fourth Monday of the month

    Timetable: 18.30-20.00/20.30


  • Future groups


    • Me and My Eating group to work on the relationship between food and the body in Spanish
    • Self-esteem group – in English
    • Parents support group
    • Online group in English for self-esteem/relationship with food and body (for our patients who are not in Barcelona)

    Days and hours to be decided


Do you want to sign up for a group?

Book a pre-clinical orientation session to make an initial assessment and we will share with you our psychoeducation course.

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